Cinderella's Blog... I find my solace here

Cinderella's Blog is a strange look into the mind of a girl geek!

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Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Where I am?

Today I work I had some interesting thoughts.

Though my life I have had some amazing journeys. Living on an Island as a kid, getting to learn about the ocean and its creatures first hand. Playing music, and understand that music is heard with the ears and understood with the heart. Living on a farm with cows, horses, dogs, cats, geese, goats, learning to love and appreciate all life. Leanring to drive a car (standard of course). Learning to appreciate the little things. Discovering computers. Learning to scuba dive, having an epiphany that I was meant to be underwater. Leaning to be me. And so much more.

My life is just beginning.

I look around me and think of where I thought I would be right now. Did I think I would be where I am... No. But where I am is a good place. I am happy, healthy (minus the car accident stuff), and I am learning to rediscover and appreciate who I am.

I am a great person.

My journey right now is one of rediscovery. I 29 I am actually starting to figure out who I am, and what I was meant to do. Is it to little to late? Gosh I hope not. Will I have the courage to strive towards what I need? I hope so. Will I be happy?


This is my life, I intend to live it!


"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
-Douglas Adams


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