Cinderella's Blog... I find my solace here

Cinderella's Blog is a strange look into the mind of a girl geek!

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Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Time, it just slips away from us.

This week went by in a blur. One moment, I was enjoying my weekend, planning on getting a domain (still trying to think of a really good name that is not taken) then next moment, I'm at work, trying to figure out a good hosting option, then all of a sudden, its my weekend again. I have no idea where this week went, I think I must have lost it. I have spent a lot of time trying to find a host for a domain, and to PICK a domain name. I need a name with Cinderella, or Cindy, or Blog, or Sharks, or something that screams "me" but I'm not having much luck. I thought everafter might be good, but its taken. I'm sure Ill figure something out eventually. Until then I will search for hosting, once I find that I am sure the rest will come around.

I'm still saving up for my Digital Rebel as well as picking up a copy of Star Wars Galaxies, in a vain attempt to keep me busy.
in the mean time I am spending a lot of time thinking about writing. Not actually writing of course, I just cant seem to get it out from my head to the paper (keyboard), but I have few good story ideas forming.

I just wish I could figure out who I am.

Time has a strange grip on me, and as I search for myself, time runs away.

I think Gene Roddenberry did say it best:
"Time is the fire in which we burn."


"With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown."
-Chinese Proverb


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