Cinderella's Blog... I find my solace here

Cinderella's Blog is a strange look into the mind of a girl geek!

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Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Again.... Where have I been?

I haven't blogged in a week... Can you imagine! Well, there has been good reason. I spent all week getting used to my new schedule (which I'm starting to enjoy), my new position as a Resolution specialist (or Resolution consultant... I'm not sure which sounds better), getting ready for my brothers return tomorrow (YAY), and somewhere amongst that trying to fit in a life, and grocery shopping and reflection time. Of course on top of that, its Christmas, so as per usual, I'm not very cheery... Even though a part of me is, it's that time of year.


My job is great!


I have so much fun, and I'm good at it to! Plus the people are fantastic to boot!

And my brother comes home tomorrow! How awesome is that!

Now all I need to do is find time to 1) send out my Xmas cards 2) reply to the zillion of emails I got!! (To all my friends that I haven't emailed back... SORRY - its coming) 3) try to fit in some budget Xmas shopping 4) try to visit my favorite forums... I haven't been in a week (SORRY!!)!

I don't know how I am going to do it.

But I will.

And I gotta start bloging again on a regular basis....


Maybe once I get used to the new schedule.

Until then, forgive me.


"The unexamined life is not worth living."


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